Woke up to a cup of black coffee in bed :) had a second and then went for a 3 mile run. Still trying to gage what, if anything, to eat before I run. I actually prefer to have an empty stomach.
Came home and had a primal fuel shake with cashew milk.
For lunch I remembered I had half a meal left in the fridge, so had a sausage, a little broccoli. And 1/2 a small sweet potato.
Dinner.. A huge pile of steamed veggies and chicken. I was starving, so the broccoli does an amazing filling job.
Sitting here sipping on my water feeling great.
Today was exactly one week and I am down 5 pounds which is amazing knowing I have been busy and not gotten all my workouts in, and had 2 parties that involved non paleo treats. Looking forward to next weeks progress :)